Food for thought

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti: His famous quotes that inspire and motivate



If you have a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow the heart.

—- Swamy Vivekananda.

Brain will calculate profit and loss.

Heart will calculate punya and papa.

— Prof. V. Meenakshi Jayakumar





In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path.

— Swamy Vivekananda.

Each day is a new day in our life. We face new new challenges, get new ideas, each day  why each day every second our body changes, gets older and we save experiences. So when we say we are improving then our life style will be different from that of ordinary easy goers. New thoughts and deeds will face problems. So we have to improve ourselves in a better way than yesterday.  Common hurry up. Leave the laziness. Have courage. Work hard. Speak less. No less, in face minimum. What is necessary you speak. Otherwise keep quiet. Learn new things. Practice what you know already.

  • — Prof. V.Meenakshi Jayakumar


All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.  Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy,  lunatics, as most of us do nowadays.  You can do anything and everything without even the guidance of anyone. Stand up and express the divinity within you.

— Swamy Vivekananda.

Yes we have all powers within us. We are the microlevel human beings of macro level cosmic energy. What is in the universe, is also within us. We have to equalize the wave length with the nature. Nature has abundance of strength. We also have the equal strength. We can attain that strength only if we align our energy with nature. We are not weak. We are not lunatic, we are not half-crazy. We are the sons and daughters of the great Mother Earth who has extraordinary strength within Her to give us.

Common stand up ; fix a goal, aim for it. You will achieve it. God bless us all.

—– Prof. V. Meenakshi Jayakumar


Common answer me.

Who is the most successful person in the world?

Thinking.. thinking.. ok I will give you the answer of Swamy Vivekananda to this question.

The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this; the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.

—-Swamy Vivekananda.


Yes. Very true Swamiji.

Even in our everyday life, we can see the small baby, kids, they are very happy and they have true success, because they don’t expect anything from anyone. They live happy and everything is done for them. Simply because they don’t expect.. they are unselfish .. so they are most successful.  Even in some family, the head of the family whether man or lady will sacrifice everything for the happiness of their family and they don’t expect anything in return. Of course, very rare. If this feeling expands to the whole country, whole world, whole universe then they become GOD for ever.

—-Prof. V.Meenakshi Jayakumar.

What is to be rejected?

Anything that makes weak – physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject is as poison.

–Swami Vivekananda.

Belief is strength. Weakness is death. Yes. Be alert. Be courageous. Be focused.

Don’t be weak physically. – Avoid the things which make you weak. Whether it is food, sleep, friendship, computer, mobile, laptop, indoor games.

Don’t be weak intellectually . – Start reading of your own. You know how to read. Then you read. Why depend on others to preach you? They will give you only their point of view in any matter. Sri Krishna says, if you have any doubt in whatever be the matter consult, scriptures, purana and ithihasas.

So read those books. If we read all these books our intellectual capacity can grow strong. And we can find correct answers for all our problems. And we can be able to solve others also to some limited extent.

Don’t be weak spiritually. – spiritual path is different for each jeeva. Depending on their previous karma and present karma a jeeva will attain proper spiritual knowledge as that is the highest of all knowable things.

So attain strength in spiritual matter. Surrender yourselves to a Guru He will show us the right path in spiritual matters.

—Prof. V.Meenakshi Jayakumar.


Food for thought


Seven. Number Seven.

The significance of Number seven in Indian Culture.

  1. Sapta Rishis. ( Atri, Brighu, Kuthasa, Vasista, Gautama, Kasyapa, Angirasa.
  2. Sapta Swaras (Sadja, Rishbha, Gandhara, Madyama, Panjchama, Dhaivata, Nishada)
  3. Sapta Nathi : Seven rivers ( Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, sindhu and Kaveri.
  4. Saptapadi : Seven steps taken around the sacrificial fire  by the Couple during marriage.
  5. Sapta Talam:  (Dhruva, Matya, Roopaga, Jhampa, Triputa, Ata, Eka)

— to be continued.

Prof. V.Meenakshi Jayakumar.



Honest and Wise


A person who surrenders when wrong is honest.

A person who surrenders when not sure is wise.

…. Swami Sivananda

So we have to be honest and Wise..when we are wrong we accept and apologize and correct ourselves.. in this context I remember a song Thirudathe pappa Thirudathe..

சிந்தித்து பார்த்து செய்கையை மாற்று

சிறுசா இருக்கையில் திருத்திக்கோ…தவறு

சிறுசா இருக்கையில் திருத்திக்கோ..

தெரிந்ததும் தெரியாமல் நடந்திருந்தா.. அது திரும்பவும் வராம பார்த்துக்கோ…

So be honest and be wise. God bless us all.

… Prof. V. V. Meenakshi Jayakumar.



அறிவுத் தமிழில் பல உண்டு.

ஆண்டவனை அறிய வழி உண்டு

இசையுடன் வாழ்ந்து

ஈசனை அடையலாம்

உண்மை யோகக் கலையை

ஊக்கத்துடன் பயின்று வர

என்னை நன்றாக இறைவன் படைத்தனன்

ஏழிசைப் பாடி தன்னைத் தான்

ஐயமின்றி உணர்ந்துய்ய

ஒரு மூவாயிரம் மந்திரங்கள்

ஓதி உணர்ந்து பயிற்சி செய்தால்

ஔடதம் தவிர்த்து ஆண்டுகள் நூறு அழகாக வாழலாம்..

திருமந்திரம் தனை உணர்ந்து ஓதி நாம் அனைவரும் உயர்வடைய

காஞ்சி மஹா‌பெரியவா

பாத துளி அருளட்டும்

…… To be continued..

Dr. V. V. Meenakshi Jayakumar.


திருமந்திரச் சிறப்பு

திருமந்திரச் சிறப்பு

தேவர் குறளும்

திருநான் மறை முடிவும்

மூவர் தமிழும்

முனி மொழியும்

கோவை திருவாசகமும்

திருமூலர் சொல்லும்

ஒரு வாசகம் என்று உணர்..




Namaste all.


என்னை நன்றாக இறைவன் படைத்தனன்

தன்னை நன்றாக தமிழ் செய்யுமாறே….

…. திருமந்திரம் 152.