Purandara Dasa is described aptly as Karnatak Sangeet Pitamaha.

No musical concert of today is complete without the rendering of some of the songs of Purandaradasa, especially in Bhajan Sampradaya. It is said that Saint Tyagaraja who rules supreme in the Karnatak Sangeeth today, derived inspiration from Purandaradasa songs, as his mother was always singing to him in his younger days, the devotional songs of Sri Purandaradasa.

I believe for various reasons that Purandaradasa to be the Avatara of Narada Maharishi, the doyen of music and keerthana and Bhakti on Lord Rama (Vishnu Narayana).

The word Upsanishad means the preachings given by a preceptor to his disciple when the latter is sitting in front of him with a sincere yearning for learning. (True Vidyarrthi).

The Purandaradasa sahitya is described as Purandaropanishat.  The various Upanishads message and philosophy, the essentials of the Vedas, various Puranas Ithihasas, Smritis and Smirutis are found in Dasa Sahitya. This is for the benefit of the masses who do not know the above Veda Rasas.

— to be continued

V. Meeenakshi Jayakumar.