importance of learning music

music helps a mind to calm down.

music supports the brain activity.

music helps to tune body and mind in a same wave length

music can be termed as a language of its own uniquness.

music supports body mind coordination.

when a sahitya that is words of the song is understandable then the credit for the song increases.

if a person knows sanskrit then he can appriciate the meaning behind the lyrics and can enjoy the literature beauty of the sahitya,

lets learn to appreciate the sahits behind all compositions and enjoy not only melodic part of music but also the sahitya behind that composition.

to be continued…



Why we need to put kolam..

Namaste all.
Our tradition is so great that we need to follow the same without giving any excuses.
One of such important traditions is to put kolam, draw Rangoli in front of our house.
It is so auspicious, when an outsider comes to our doorstep, even if he is in angry or bad mood, the kolam will divert his mood to good, soft, relaxed mood.
Kolam brings LAKSHMIKARAM to our home.
Kolam helps the ants like small species food.
It increases memory
When anyone bends down to put or draw rangoli, their spinal cord and hip parts gets and grow stronger.
Kolam or rangoli is divine.
Even Sanga literature talks about kolam
All the festivals and important days, like weddings and functions we have to put kolam. Even manai kolam we used to put.
Hereafter we will Put rangoli kolam in our front house and decorated the same with colorful podis and flowers.

Go to temple – Visit a temple – Daily Routine.


கோயில் வாசல் வருவேனோ? – உன் திருக்

கோயில் வாசல் வருவேனோ?


தாயின் சொல் கேளாய் பிள்ளையாய் வளர்ந்தேன்

நோய் நொடி தாக்கி மூப்பு வரும் முன்னே – கோயில் வாசல்



வாயில் வந்து நின்றால் போதும் நாயேன் வாழ்வு கடைத்தேறும்

போயும் போயும் இந்த இழி பிறவி வேண்டவே வேண்டாம். – இனி

சாயும் இவ்வுடல் கொண்டு சதானந்தன் அடி பணிந்து

தீயில் வேகும் வரை நின் நினைப்பொன்றே போதும் போதும்


Prof.V.V.Meenakshi Jayakumar