Food for thought

                               The Divine Mother – Gayathri

Gayathri is the epitome of the Vedas.  It is a Divine Elixir.  This sacred Mantra has been recited in the Cavern of the hearts by millions of people for over several centuries.  There is no prayer more comprehensive, more majestic, more effective and more blissful than Gayathri.

Gayathri Mantra is called Song Saviour as it protects him, who chants it.  Gayathri is the Mantra of the Mantras.  It is the unique Mantra of purity, unity and divinity.

gayathri mantra images க்கான பட முடிவு

Manu says, There is no higher Mantra than Gayathri, there is no higher deity than ones Mother.  It is out of Gayathri the Vedas have come and into Gayathri the Vedas have converged.  That is why this sacred verse adorns all the Vedas.

It occurs in Rigveda (III. 62.10) in Yajur Veda (III 35, XXII, 9, XXXVI, 3) and in Samaveda (1462).

— to be continued.

—Dr.V.Meenakshi Jayakumar.

Music – December season

December Season

Madras Music Season or December Music season is an event hosted every December & January in Madras.  Spanning some seven to eight weeks, many kutcheris are performed by great musicians.  The Music season encourages renowned and upcoming young artists to display their talent and skill.  Rakisas and Artists come not only from India but also from abroad.

The All India Music Conference was held in 1927 concurrently with the Annual Session of Indian National Congress in Madras. The Madras Music season was first started in the year 1927.  Concerts would be held at various venues at different places every year.  December is the favourable weather conditions and attracted more tourists during this period.

— to be continued.



Music – Dr.BalaMurali Krishna

Remembering Dr.Balamurali Krishna

Sri Balamurali Krishna gave his first public concert when he was hardly eight.  Before he was 15, he had composed songs in all the 72,  sampoorna melakartha ragas.  This continued uninterruptedly and now to his credit numerous compositions, which include varnams, kritis, Javalis, devotional songs and tillanas.

Food for thought – PURITY IN ACTION

Purity in Action

The good external help confers is wordly gain;

by action good men every needed gift obtain.


From action evermore itself restrain,

of glory and of good that yeilds no gain.


Who tell themselves that nobler things shall yet be won,

All deeds that dim the light of glory must they shun.


Though troubles press,no shameful deed they do,

Whose eyes the ever-during vision view.


Do nought that soul repenting must deplore,

if thou hast sinned, tis well if thou dost sin no more.

—- Thiruvalluvar

–Translation by REV. G.U.pope.


Food for Thought

The greatest wealth is to live content with little.

Just do what must be done.  This may not be happiness but it is greatness.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

That Some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Food for thought – Medicine


English Translation REV. G.U.Pope

  1. The learned books count three, with wind as first, of these,

As any one prevail or fail, twill cause disease.

2. No need of medicine to heal your body’s pain,

if, what you ate before digested well, you eat again.

3. Who has a body gained may long the gift retain,

if, food digested well, in measure due he eat again.

4. Knowing the food digested well, when hungry prompteth thee,

With constant care, the viands choose that well agree.

5. With self-denial take the well-selected meal;

so shall try frame no sudden sickness feel.

6. On modest temperance as pleasures pure.

So pain attends the greedy epicure.

7. Who largely fees, nor measure of the fire within maintains.

That thoughtless man shall feel unmeasured pains.

8. Disease, its cause, what may abate the ill;

Let each examine these, then use his skill.

9. The habitudes of patient and disease, the crises of the ill;

These must the learned leech think over well, then use his skill.

10. For patient, leech and remedies, and him who waits by patient’s side.

The art of medicine must fourfold code of laws provide.

Today’s special – Veeramanunivar Birth day

Veeramanunivar – Birth date: 8th November

Image result for veeramamunivar

Born at Castiglione in the Venetian Republic, 8th November 1680 He entered the Society of Jesus in 1698 nearly forty years of apostolic life proving himself a worthy successor of the founder of the Mandura Mission, the celebrated Roberto de’ Nobili. he is better known as one of the classical writers of Tamil literature.

No sooner had he arrived in India than he began the study of Sanskrit, Telugu, and especially of Tamil. he mastered the Tamil grammar in five years, and for the next twenty years made so thorough a study of the whole field of Tamil literature.

He composed a grammar of High Tamil, and was the first to write a grammar of Low Tamil (the common dialect) which still remains the foundation of scientific Tamil philology. He is also the compiler of several Tamil dictionaries, among them the quadruple lexicon containing words, synonyms, categories of words, and rhymes; a Tamil-Latin and Latin-Tamil-Portuguese dictionary.

His greatest poetical work is the “Tembavani” (The Unfading Garland), one of the Tamil classics.

In a poem of 1100 stanzas, “Kittêri ammalle saritiram” he sings the praises of the martyr St. Quiteria

In 1744, he was rector of the mission of Manapar, where he died (1746). His memory lives to this day in the form of his works especially Tembavani in Southern India.