Symbols and its importance Lamp – Jyothi

Namaste all.

Symbols are used to denote much wider meaning than they appear and convey in a straight meaning.

Lets learn how symbols are used to promote knowledge, discipline and devotion.


Oil lamp - Wikipedia


Lamp, the light

In the Gita Lord Sri Krishna says that well controlled mind of a Yogi to the unwavering flam of a lamp kept at a place where everyone can see and emulate it.

Lamp is a glorious symbol of knowledge, consciousness and Life.

A Lamp is a teacher, advises us to follow its path, work and duty that is Be a Lamp, burn yourself constantly to give light to others… Also lead yourselves and others to the path of Tejas, Jothi, brightness etc.,

Tamaso ma Jyothirgamaya….

In a house a lamp is lit, it becomes a home, self confidence and courage arise automatically where a lamp is lit.

Scientific Significance of Lighting Oil Lamps in Hindu Prayer tradition -  Rudraksha Ratna

The power of Agni can be witnessed by who, light the lamp everyday at a particular time and place.

A house without a lamp indicates poverty.

The shadow under the lamp represents evil which invariably accompanies life.

A lamp is used as a symbol of the Divine, Soul, knowledge, witness and so on.

In temples we can see panchamukha deepa arati.. that represents our five senses.

The Lamp represents the Paramatma who is the innermost of all human beings with different layers, like Lamp with difference layers of flame colour.

  • Prof. V.V. Meenakshi Jayakumar


Go to temple – Visit a temple – Daily Routine.


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Prof.V.V.Meenakshi Jayakumar

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 Prof. V.V.Meenakshi Jayakumar