அத்தி வரதரே போய் வாரும்

வாரும் அத்தி வரதரே… போய்
வாரும் அத்தி வரதரே…

வாரும் நாற்பது
ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பின்…
வாரும் நாற்பது
தாரும் உங்கள் அருளாசி
தாரும் உங்கள் அருளாசி

காரும் சீரும் உலவும்
ஊரும் உலகும் கண்ட வரதரே
பாரும் எங்களை…உங்கள் கடைக் கண்ணினால்…

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Give up, O fool, your thirst to amass wealth, devote your mind to the thoughts of the Real, let dispassion fill your mind.  Be content with what comes through actions already performed in the past.

If man has lot of wealth, he utilizes it for the pleasures and sense gratifications.  wealth by itself is innocuous.

Adi Shankara wants us to give up the thirst for wealth.

Being in the world, we have to give up only our greed and covetousness.

This mental renunciation at once brings peace of mind and happiness and slowly leads us to immortality.

” Not by rituals, not by progeny, not by wealth, but by renunciation along some attained Immortality.”

Mudha jahini dhanagamatrsnam

kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrsnam

yallabhase nijakarmopattam

vittam tena vinodaya cittam

…. Bhaja Govindam… Bhaja Govindam….Bhaja Govindam…

From Sri Ramakrishna math

From Delusion to Reality.

…. V.Meenakshi Jayakumar



EVERY SEEKER OF TRUTH   who cares to achieve self mastery and sense control should carefully read and assimilate the teachings of Sri Adi Shankara.

Self knowledge is vital.  All other forms of knowledge are of secondary importance.  To stress this point to make everyone to understand as who man is so foolish as he is in his conduct and behaviour to give him a real shake up of his values and to show him the path for attaining eternal and inner peace and feel blessed.

Bhaja Govindam has a universal appeal as its meaning goes straight to the heart.

from today lets begin to chant and understand the real meaning behind Bhaja Govindam…

  1. Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, O fool… Rules of Grammar will not protect you at the time of death.
  2. Man’s lifetime is only for a short period, and before the dissolution of the body he has to find out the technique by which Eternal Freedom can be attained.  He should pay to life only that much attention as is enough to lead a simple and decent life and devote the rest of his time for doing spiritual practice.
  3. Remember Sri Krishnas advices to Arjuna….. Therefore at all times, constantly remember Me.
  4. Bhaja Govindam,,, Bhaja Govindam,  Bhaja Govindam,  mudhamate
  5. samprapte sannihite kale , na hi nahi raksati dukrnkarane……….
  6. —-from Delusion to Reality…Swami Gurudasananda…Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai – 600 004.






Saint Sri Tyagaraja… the great Rama Bhaktha,, Avatara of Purandaradasa, previously, Valmiki, before that Narada Himself.. wrote Nowka Charitram.

Nowka Charitram is a Opera. Opera is a musical drama.  Opera is a drama of any description set to music.  Actually in some dramas, there is no music and there are some dramas with music, it is merely incidental.  But for Operas music in an indivisible element. In fact is forms an integral part of it.  Whereas drama is a literary form, opera is a musical and a literary form combined.

Gita Govinda of Jayadeva 12th century and Krishna Leela Tarangini of Sri Narayana Theertha 16th century are classic examples.  Both these works were however designed by the respective authors as dance drams. But in South Indian Languages operas come only from 17th century.

Operas are popular in all countries. In German, there are words to express the opera meaning. In the history of every country, we find that the opera comes later than the drama.  The European opera had its origin about three and half centuries ago.  It had its beginnings in Italy and since then has had a continuous development ( Prof. P. Sambamoorthy)

Operas are interesting art forms.  Well trained orchestraspovide the musical accompaniment in operas.  Operas appeal o the initiated and the uninitiated alike.  In the Opera, the happy consummation of all the fine arts. It is not right to think that opera is merely a concert in costume. Music is not super imposed on the play.

Points to be kept in mind for operas:

  1. command over the language
  2. command over music
  3. playwright
  4. effective characterization
  5. point or the main subject
  6. a wide command of vocabulary
  7. imagination power
  8. dialogue writing skill
  9. capacity of beautiful comparisons
  10. creative ability of a high order.
  11. complete knowledge about music
  12. knowledge of Raga and their Rasa
  13. prompt imagination of scene and expression of the characters.     —– to be continued.



The influence of music upon emotions has been studied for a long time.

Experiments and observations have been collected, recorded and discussed.  We know that music can elicit certain psychological , psychosomatic reactions with the spheres of circulation, respiration and others.  it is found that music can influence the mood and other psychological conditions in a large group of people.  Here music definition differs and also the effect differs from individual to individual.  Effects may be classified as physical, emotional, behavioral, quantitative, qualitative, integrative, etc.,

music may vary, effect may vary but yet we can find out the required result by careful planning proper control over the situation, proper conduct of experiments a various levels.

we need musically trained psychiatrist and musicologist to be present and engaged in the activity.

—to be continued





We know not when we leave, when life returns

So with this body, let us do good turns.

The soul often changes the body according to karma when and how we do not know .

Life is a mystery which comes and leaves the body and where it goes we cannot see.

Life is sure, only as long as it lives in this body

A bomb, a quake, a flood, a war can root out cities in no time.

The phase of the world changes daily.

Our body is doomed to fall one day life the petals of a flower.

So while yet it ensures, let us hasten to perfect ourselves and help our fellow-beings as best as we can.